Tuesday, 14 August 2012

About this website

This website has been designed by
Padmanabhan Krishnamurthy
Pranav S Talur
Shravan Sunil 
Srinthan Hampi
Steve Seelan
Paras Agarwal 

We would also like to specially mention Srinthan Hampi and Steve Seelan for designing the animations which will be up shortly.

We thought that there should be an easier method of uploading amazing content and sharing it with the school.

This website can also function as a forum where you can share new ideas and have them implemented as soon as possible. In fact, we started planning this website just at the beginning of this academic year!

So, just say anything you feel and we shall upload any articles relevant to the school and we shall upload it for you.

Oh and remember!
New content should be sent to this email ID so that we can upload it for you.



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